Not the best start to a translatlantic flight -- exhausted from a trip to Saskatoon. This taken at the Ottawa Airport (Maple leaf lounge). Im not usre whether it was tiredness or having to endure the Grey cup.
We are staying at the Dominican, Brussels. We found it after a lengthy walk from the train station. It has a bit of a monastery, gothic feel to the place. 

I'm not sure that this photo does it justice. It feels much more sinsiter in a way. We have a window set in our room with a bay that looks down on the diners below. The background music is Palestrina, or some other monastic chanting, and most of the corridors are stone, or dark and menancing. I'll try and take more photos tomorrow, if I get hold of the camera. For now, here's a picture of one of the lights in the
corridor. there is a matching blood red design on the beige carpet beneath.